Sky Rush Tournament - May 2020


Here at MythicalMC we are hosting our first official Sky Rush tournament!

In our custom, original Mini Game - Sky Rush, 2 teams will take to the skies and battle it out in a deathmatch involving tactics and strategy. To win the game a team must kill all members of the opposing team.

First place team will have the choice of 💰$80 Paypal or $140 MythicalMC store credit.💰
If 16+ teams sign up we will raise that prize… 💰$120 Paypal or
$200 MythicalMC store credit!💰

Second place team will recieve $40 MythicalMC store credit!

Third place team will recieve $20 MythicalMC store credit!

The tournament will be split over 2 days.

16th May ⏰ 6pm UK time / 1pm Eastern

17th May ⏰ 6pm UK time / 1pm Eastern

To enter fill out the form >>> HERE <<<

Join our Discord to keep up to date with current and future events:

Teams must be of 3-4 people (Although 4 is preferred).

Get your team together & show us what you’re made of!
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