Submitting an Appeal: How to Guide.

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If you have been banned or muted and believe that you deserve another chance, or feel like you were punished without a valid reason then use the format below to appeal it.

Before submitting an appeal please read through this thread and make sure you have all the information required and use the correct format to submit your appeal.

Appeals may only be submitted by the player themselves or a member of staff on their behalf if they are unable to.

Appeal Format

Please use the following format for appeals:

- UUID or IGN (One of these is enough)

- Location of Punishment (Server, Discord, Forum etc)

- Punishment type (Ban, Mute etc)

- Previous MythicalMC bans (Be honest, We will check this)

- Reason for punishment (Fly hacking, Player abuse etc)

- Why should your punishment be lifted?

- Any additional information.

Please do not contact staff members about the status of your appeal. Be patient and you will get a response.
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