Uncurse's Introduction


Hey, I'm Uncurse or Jake, I don't mind which you want to refer to me by.
I was once an alpha tester for MythicalMC which was ages ago. I'm looking forward to the release of the server and excited to hopefully be on the leaderboards.
*introductions aren't easy to write it seems*
I'm 17 from the UK, in one of the best counties ?, you'll most likely see me on Optic Strike or Protect The Oracle and in a voice call in the MythicalMC Discord, I promise I'm nice and enjoy talking so don't worry about joining, the more the merrier I guess.

This is all I want to say so if you want to know more shoot a dm or find me in a voice call. ?‍♂
Howdy Jake!
...Wait, it’s almost like I’m talking to myself. :oops:

Anyways, it’s great to see on the forums! Look forward to grinding out some Protect The Oracle with you. ?