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The Endless Parkour Challenge

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To celebrate the recent launch of Endless Parkour, we are throwing down some challenges to ALL Parkour players and offering some amazing rewards for those with the skills to rise to them!

The Challenges

If you can reach the targets below in ONE solo game you can win these fantastic prizes:
100 Jumps: 1 Legendary Crate
200 Jumps: 2 Dragon Crates
500 Jumps: An Elite Rank for 1 month

Any player that reaches 10,000 total lifetime jumps can claim a pack of 5 Mystery Crates!

If you succeed in any of these challenges, take a screenshot of your stats and either send it to the parkour-times channel in Discord or reply to this thread and your rewards will be sent to you as soon as we can!

Community Goals

We love our community and we also want to give you the chance to work towards some common...

The Parkour Update: Part II - NOW LIVE!

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We did warn you there would be more...

Any guesses from the clues we left with the 'Coming Soon' NPC in Parkour & on the end of the last update post?
"Success is never ending, failure is never final." - Robert H. Schuller / “Choose well. Your choice is brief, and yet endless.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Well speculate no more! Introducing our brand new game mode...

Endless Parkour

After lots and lots of work, we can finally release this incredibly fun & potentially raging inducing version of parkour!

You will find yourself on an endlessly generating parkour course that increases in difficulty the further you progress.
How do you reach the end? You don't! It won't stop going until you leave or fall!

There are 4 different ways to play:

Solo Mode - Enjoy your own private course!

Hardcore Mode - Play together as a team on the same course… But when one falls, you all...
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